Industrial Logic – Papers - A Learning Guide To Design Patterns
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Using A Pattern Catalogue
“A Pattern Language” by C.Alexander et al, 1977 OUP.
Skim the attached summary of the language (5 minutes)
Read the attached description of using patterns to build a porch, looking in the catalogue for more detail about the patterns which have been used (10 minutes)
Write a paragraph describing the requirements of a small student hall of residence (5 minutes)
Thinking about the design of a small hall of residence work through Alexander’s instructions on choosing patterns (attached) using his pattern catalogue “A Pattern Language” (20 minutes)
If you have any time left have a look at “The Timeless Way of Building” by C.Alexander, 1979 OUP
PAFSD Portfolio – 2005/6
Complete 4 of the 5 tasks described below.
Task One: Designing with Patterns
Task Two: Coding with Patterns
Task Three: Patterns and Software Development
Task Four: Critiquing Patterns
Task Five: Patterns Blog
What’s this unit about?
How to use the pattern catalogue?
What’s the pattern going to be about/
Consequency – How is it consequency important?
Have I missed this chapter?
Have you understand the pattern?
Describing your thought.
Introduce the UML Diagram
13 Diagrams. 9 Diagrams are important in that.
3 different categories.
Structure – hold date (class, object, component)
Between two objects. You behave yourself. You interact with other people.
Activity Diagram - Depicts high-level business processes, including data flow, or to model the logic of complex logic within a system
Develop of Software
All the symbols have different meanings
Actor can be different positions (e.g. actor may be – human being, machine, etc.)
Class Diagram - Shows a collection of static model elements such as classes and types, their contents, and their relationships.
Communication Diagram - Shows instances of classes, their interrelationships, and the message flow between them. Communication diagrams typically focus on the structural organization of objects that send and receive messages. Formerly called a Collaboration Diagram
Object Diagram - Depicts objects and their relationships at a point in time, typically a special case of either a class diagram or a communication diagram.
Class is the collection of objects. Some class will have an object.
Sequence Diagram - Models the sequential logic, in effect the time ordering of messages between classifiers.
Start with the : and underline.
Interact with object diagram
To make sure how it works.
Component Diagram - Depicts the components that compose an application, system, or enterprise. The components, their interrelationships, interactions, and their public interfaces are depicted.
Collection of classes
Rectangle box
A sample.
Package Diagram - Shows how model elements are organized into packages as well as the dependencies between packages.
Deployment Diagram - Shows the execution architecture of systems. This includes nodes, either hardware or software execution environments, as well as the middleware connecting them.
State Diagram - Describes the states an object or interaction may be in, as well as the transitions between states. Formerly referred to as a state diagram, state chart diagram, or a state-transition diagram.
One object is changed.
Good to understand how
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